Join The ALA

Becoming a ALA member gives you the opportunity to volunteer locally. Make new friends and professional connections. Be Apart of projects that make your community a better place to live while having fun doing it! 

Membership Packages

The 10 Lion Commandments

  1. Lions Shall not Steal, we improvise or go without
  2. Lions Shall not Hold Grudges, we forgive and move on
  3. Lions Shall not Hate, we celebrate and congratulate success
  4. Lions Shall not tolerate any form of Negativity, we promote positivity
  5. Lions Shall not Spread Rumors we only speak facts
  6. Lions Shall not quit, we analyze and create new strategies
  7. Lions shall not lose faith, we remain faithful
  8. Lions shall not turn their back on their own pack, Lions help Lions
  9. Lions don't fear change, we influence change
  10. Lions don't compromise their integrity, we live by our principles